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5 things need to be done when SweetRice installed.

These tips may be useful for you install SweetRice.

1,Open your website.

Default,when you installed SweetRice,your website's status is "close",and SweetRice will show "Site is building now , please come late.?" to visitors,if you ready to open your website,you can go to Setting -> General , uncheck the checkbox for "Site Close" and submit,your website's status will be "open".

When you upgrade website, this feature may be useful.You can input some words to the textarea for "Site Close Tip" to replace the word "Site is building now , please come late.?".

2,Protect your data.

SweetRice save all important file in the inc directory,there are two kinds of format ?:.txt (link.txt , htaccess.txt, lastest.txt) and .db (if track feature enabled).If you are using apache server,the file .htaccess which in inc directory will work for protect your data,if your server is nginx,you may see Security setting for Nginx.For other web server ,you may try it yourself.

3.Enable URL rewrite

Apache server supports .htaccess,when URL rewrite feature enabled ?,a .htaccess file will be saved to your web root directory.The file content is:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase "your web root"
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . index.php [L]

Nginx server does not supports .htaccess file,you may add the URL rewrite config to the nginx.conf or your nginx config file.


location / {
  root   /htdocs;
  index  index.html index.php;
  if (!-e $request_filename){
     rewrite ^/demo/.+$ /demo/index.php last;


4,Set permalinks

SweetRice supports custom permalink,you can go to Setting->Permaliks to set permalinks for Attachment,RssFeed,tag etc.

5,Custom SweetRice

SweetRice is very simple,but you can easy to build your custom website,Do not like default theme?you can use the example _themes/wblog to build a new theme or download theme from SweetRice Themes?;

Need new feature?you can build a plugin and install it,some plugin at SweetRice Plugins? and you can submit your request to us.

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Last UpdateApr,20,2011 Views : 35096
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